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A Poor Waiter


It's been a quiet week during which I've made good progress with my anthology. I've completed the fourth story, What Comes Before, and given the third story, Rhubarb Queen, to my beta reader. Currently, I'm working on the first few scenes of the fifth story, Get Stumpy, which is the longest story in the collection.

I snapped this week's picture as the sun set across the street from our restaurant. I liked the contrast between the orange-tinged clouds and the black-silhouetted power lines.

I have returned to the office. Now, I'm adjusting to the new realities of driving to work before the sun has risen.

As I write this, I'm listening to Tom Petty's "Waiting is the Hardest Part." I have always struggled with waiting since I prefer action. As a young man, I realized I would trudge around the room if I were waiting for someone to arrive. My friends would often make fun of my relentless pacing. I haven't changed much.



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