After a bout of food poisoning, I had a few days of forced rest. But my appetite is back and I'm writing again. This week I heard my aunt died in England, she was 99 years old and 4 months shy of her 100th birthday, so she had a good and long life. I don't know if I can get back to blighty to attend her funeral, but I did have a long chat with my cousin who I haven't talked to in ten years. So, I must admit it's tempting to go for a visit.
The picture this week is of our four grandkids. It was strange, because on that same day, rumors circulated of a new Bigfoot sighting.
I have emailed my cover artist with three possible scenes for the cover to Journeyman Wizard:
1. Brodia and Preem on a ship that's battling a hurricane.
2. An armed Daffodil sneaking up behind Brodia.
3. Brodia flying Preem for the first time.
I'll wait to see what he thinks of the choices. Meanwhile, the editor has indicated I can get his feedback this week. So, it still looks good for a March 14th launch.
For the fourth novel, The Four Crowns, I just finished the changes to chapter thirty-three (The Funeral). I like the way the plot is twisting itself into knots around this section of the book.
As I write this, I'm listing to the classics channel, and Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" is playing. A cousin introduced me to this piece when I was a preteen, and it was the first one I air-conducted to.