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Wildflower Requiem


Today is the last day of my workshop with American Short Fiction (ASF). The 8-week workshop has been great for several reasons including getting constructive feedback on two of my short stories (that I will soon be pushing out to speculative magazines), valuable insights and discussions around the craft of writing, and just getting out to meet people with a similar goal in life - to write and be read.

I took this week's picture just before entering the class last Tuesday. The class building is on the right, in the background is a new office building going up in Austin. The city is growing by leaps and bounds. Some like it, but those with a long history aren't so sure. In truth, the world only stops moving in those places that have died.

I had a scare on Friday when I heard a big mower outside. We took a look, and it was the town getting ready to mow the grassy knoll outside. I had to go out in my bare feet to let them know it's against Texas law to mow wildflowers in the spring. So, the wildflowers were saved for another year!

I continue revamping Green Valley. I just finished the twelfth chapter, A Way Out. Meanwhile the fourth book, The Four Crowns, is with my editor. Next week I'll list the three possible scenes for its cover. Then Jim Zaccaria will pick one to do.

As I write this, I'm listening to Mozart's Requiem. For some reason I never get tired of listening to it.

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